Hello and Welcome!
My name is Jeannine! I give Spiritual Direction from the Catholic tradition. If you’re interested in Spiritual Direction, you can head over to my spiritual direction page. My certification is through Divine Mercy University in Sterling, VA. There’s lots of information to check out to see if it’s of interest to you. If you think so please get in touch through the contact page.
As for the rest of the site, it’s a mix of my reflections and talks on things that have been a part of my journey – faith, recovery, adoption (I’m a birthmother and an adoptive mom), and more. It’s taken me a long time to finally realize that my brokenness is a blessing and not a curse. What I saw as cracks and flaws, God used as opportunities to call me closer to Him to reveal the beauty in my brokenness. He’s had to tear down a lot of walls I built, and dismantle a lot of lies I believed about myself. He’s healing this grateful girl but I’m still working on it. After all, it’s about progress not perfection.
I had a reversion back to my Catholic faith in my mid-late twenties. From there I tried to fill my head with God – I have advanced degrees in Religion and Religious Studies from Providence College, and in Theology from the Catholic University of America. I have certification in Theology of the Body from the Theology of the Body Institute and more recently, in Spiritual Direction from Divine Mercy University. All good stuff…but God wasn’t going for it. He wanted my heart. Theology of the Body was the chink in my armored heart and a twelve step program of adult children who come from hard places blew it open. I’m so grateful to both for giving me back my life and showing me how to live in deeper relationships with God and others.